Welcome to another installment of Shove It Up Your Ad. After speaking with one of my professors, I thought to take an inside look at a certain habit or attribute for lack of a better word, concerning the advertising industry which seems to be a trend at the present time.
What is to nourish? According to web definition: nourish - To promote or sustain growth. With that said when we look at the advertising industry are we contributing to growth? I've heard plenty of individuals speaking about the subject, and I've visited plenty of agencies websites that state "We are always looking for new talent" but I've come across something different.
There have been few occasion's that I know of in which an agency/organization has been reached out to and never garnered a response. This is not only an agency trend, but sponsoring organizations have fallen into this habit as well. Now I know that this is the norm in some cases, but what if I told you that the agency told the individual (job seeker) of it's interest acquiring them?
This employee hopeful reached out to this agency (Hint G) and yet again never received a call back?! Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the meaning behind nourishing future talent supposed to entail communication, encouragement and contact to continue industry growth? I understand things can get hectic and just maybe you've forgot to reach out to the initial contact, hey I'm guilty of it myself. But when an agency contact receives a phone call, and HR says "let me call you back in 5 min" which they never did, I can hardly see how that person is contributing to industry growth?
So what should be done to insure our industry doesn't dissipates? Agencies play a major role in that they should continue making the industry an exciting career choice, that people of talent will be more than eager to enter and not be put off by this non-communication. Now this is not to say that agencies owe anyone any favors, but there should be a common mutual respect on both ends.
Can't we all just communicate?